The Schliemann Defense - Volume 2
Classical Variation
100 Seiten, kartoniert, Chess Enterprises, 1996
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The Classical Variation of the Schliemann Defense is one of the most exciting and complicated openings in all of chess. Periodically 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe5 d5!? 6.Nxe5 fxe4 7.Nxc6 Qg5 is refuted, but it keeps on coming back to life and is even seen at the highest levels of the tournament play.
The middlegames are characterized by ferocious attacks on both kings. In the event that a decisive result is not achieved early in the game, fascinating endgames with rooks and minor pieces arise, often with Black enjoying a powerful passed pawn on the e-file.
In this book, Grandmaster Leonid Shamkovich and National Master Eric Schiller continue their examination of this variation, which they have been writing about for over a dozen years. They present much new analysis and critically review the many publications which have appeared in recent years.
No fan of the Schliemann should be without this book, and players of the Spanish Game (Ruy Lopez) will want it in their arsenal if they dare to enter the main lines.
This book is concerned with one of the most complex opening variations known to the Royal Game. The Classical Variation of the Schliemann Defense in the Spanish Game is a wild line with sacrifice galore for both sides. It arises after I.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe5 d5!? 6.Nxe5 fxe4 7.Nxc6 Qg5.
White has the possibility of playing a discovered check either immediately or after a few moves. Black threatens to capture at g2, and often does. Castling is likely to take place on the queenside, but one or both kings can also remain in the center.
There is a long tradition of chess scholarship on this opening, and the authors have already published analysis of the Classical Variation in 1983 (Spanish: Schliemann, Batsford) and 1987 (Spanish Gambits, Batsford.) The present book is part of an ongoing series of books, each of which is devoted to a specific variation of the Schliemann Defense (also known as the Jaenisch Gambit).
The expansion of one book into five or more is necessitated by the massive amount of research that has been carried out on the variation. It is amusing to note that Alexei Suetin, in The Complete Spanish (Batsford 1991) dismisses it in a mere three paragraphs! Mikhail Tseitlin's Winning With the Schliemann (Maxwell Macmillan Chess, 1991) devotes a more generous 18 pages to it. But there is so much more to be said about the line, and the number of critical games continues to grow, especially in the world of correspondence chess.
The authors hope that this book will provide even more fuel for the analytical fire, but are confident that there remain significant areas
which have not yet received permanent evaluations. Perhaps our readers will be able to make their own contributions in future games!
We present the material in order of importance, with the most critical and heavily trafficked paths given first, and the more obscure lines presented later. Players of the Black side should take care to prepare replies to each of White's strategies carefully, because almost all of the sidelines are extremely complicated.
In fact, no matter which lines you choose to play as Black or White, you should spend time reviewing all the games in this collection. The tactical themes that arise in side variations may be mirrored in positions that come from different move orders, and it is critically important to understand the tactical patterns. This is also true in the endgames, which often feature one side having a bishop and the other a knight, sometimes with one or two rooks. We have presented many of these endgames in full, so that a proper appreciation of the interaction of the pieces with the pawn structures can be grasped.
All this sounds like work, however, and while that is true, it is also undeniable that the games are beautiful examples of tactical brawls. Many, indeed most, are played without the precision one would expect from World Champions, but the errors are instructive in their own right, and studying them will definitely improve your results at the chessboard.
So have fun with the Classical Variation, and don't worry if you can't master all of the lines. Few Grandmasters can retain all these lines, and most of the time the game is decided at the board rather than by preparation.
The middlegames are characterized by ferocious attacks on both kings. In the event that a decisive result is not achieved early in the game, fascinating endgames with rooks and minor pieces arise, often with Black enjoying a powerful passed pawn on the e-file.
In this book, Grandmaster Leonid Shamkovich and National Master Eric Schiller continue their examination of this variation, which they have been writing about for over a dozen years. They present much new analysis and critically review the many publications which have appeared in recent years.
No fan of the Schliemann should be without this book, and players of the Spanish Game (Ruy Lopez) will want it in their arsenal if they dare to enter the main lines.
This book is concerned with one of the most complex opening variations known to the Royal Game. The Classical Variation of the Schliemann Defense in the Spanish Game is a wild line with sacrifice galore for both sides. It arises after I.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe5 d5!? 6.Nxe5 fxe4 7.Nxc6 Qg5.
White has the possibility of playing a discovered check either immediately or after a few moves. Black threatens to capture at g2, and often does. Castling is likely to take place on the queenside, but one or both kings can also remain in the center.
There is a long tradition of chess scholarship on this opening, and the authors have already published analysis of the Classical Variation in 1983 (Spanish: Schliemann, Batsford) and 1987 (Spanish Gambits, Batsford.) The present book is part of an ongoing series of books, each of which is devoted to a specific variation of the Schliemann Defense (also known as the Jaenisch Gambit).
The expansion of one book into five or more is necessitated by the massive amount of research that has been carried out on the variation. It is amusing to note that Alexei Suetin, in The Complete Spanish (Batsford 1991) dismisses it in a mere three paragraphs! Mikhail Tseitlin's Winning With the Schliemann (Maxwell Macmillan Chess, 1991) devotes a more generous 18 pages to it. But there is so much more to be said about the line, and the number of critical games continues to grow, especially in the world of correspondence chess.
The authors hope that this book will provide even more fuel for the analytical fire, but are confident that there remain significant areas
which have not yet received permanent evaluations. Perhaps our readers will be able to make their own contributions in future games!
We present the material in order of importance, with the most critical and heavily trafficked paths given first, and the more obscure lines presented later. Players of the Black side should take care to prepare replies to each of White's strategies carefully, because almost all of the sidelines are extremely complicated.
In fact, no matter which lines you choose to play as Black or White, you should spend time reviewing all the games in this collection. The tactical themes that arise in side variations may be mirrored in positions that come from different move orders, and it is critically important to understand the tactical patterns. This is also true in the endgames, which often feature one side having a bishop and the other a knight, sometimes with one or two rooks. We have presented many of these endgames in full, so that a proper appreciation of the interaction of the pieces with the pawn structures can be grasped.
All this sounds like work, however, and while that is true, it is also undeniable that the games are beautiful examples of tactical brawls. Many, indeed most, are played without the precision one would expect from World Champions, but the errors are instructive in their own right, and studying them will definitely improve your results at the chessboard.
So have fun with the Classical Variation, and don't worry if you can't master all of the lines. Few Grandmasters can retain all these lines, and most of the time the game is decided at the board rather than by preparation.
The Classical Variation of the Schliemann Defense is one of the most exciting and complicated openings in all of chess. Periodically 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 f5 4.Nc3 fxe4 5.Nxe5 d5!? 6.Nxe5 fxe4 7.Nxc6 Qg5 is refuted, but it keeps on coming back to life and is even seen at the highest levels of the tournament play.
The middlegames are characterized by ferocious attacks on both kings. In the event that a decisive result is not achieved early in the game, fascinating endgames with rooks and minor pieces arise, often with Black enjoying a powerful passed pawn on the e-file.
In this book, Grandmaster Leonid Shamkovich and National Master Eric Schiller continue their examination of this variation, which they have been writing about for over a dozen years. They present much new analysis and critically review the many publications which have appeared in recent years.
No fan of the Schliemann should be without this book, and players of the Spanish Game (Ruy Lopez) will want it in their arsenal if they dare to enter the main lines.
The middlegames are characterized by ferocious attacks on both kings. In the event that a decisive result is not achieved early in the game, fascinating endgames with rooks and minor pieces arise, often with Black enjoying a powerful passed pawn on the e-file.
In this book, Grandmaster Leonid Shamkovich and National Master Eric Schiller continue their examination of this variation, which they have been writing about for over a dozen years. They present much new analysis and critically review the many publications which have appeared in recent years.
No fan of the Schliemann should be without this book, and players of the Spanish Game (Ruy Lopez) will want it in their arsenal if they dare to enter the main lines.
EAN | 0945470606 |
Gewicht | 150 g |
Hersteller | Chess Enterprises |
Breite | 13,6 cm |
Höhe | 21,5 cm |
Medium | Buch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 1996 |
Autor | Leonid SchamkowitschEric Schiller |
Sprache | Englisch |
ISBN-10 | 0945470606 |
Seiten | 100 |
Einband | kartoniert |
Name | Chess Enterprises |
004 Introduction
006 1 Liberzon-Wockenfuss, Bad Lauterberg, 1977
009 2 Cording-Boey, Postal (7th World Ch.), 1972
016 3 Zapata-G.Garcia, Medellin (m/6), 1992
019 4 Nunn-Rumens, London, 19775
025 5 Radev-Kirov, Bulgaria, 1974
028 6 Loechner-Rubesov, Correspondence, 1959
031 7 Timman-Speelman, London (7th match game), 1989
036 8 Ernst-Inkiov, Gausdal, 1989
041 9 Malaniuk-Yuferov, Minsk, 1985
044 10 Westerinen-Gprtlever, Wijk aan Zee, 1969
048 11 Hommeles-Timmerman, Netherlands (Ch.), 1993
054 12 Sherzer-Bykhovsky, New York (Manhattan), 1990
057 13 Bologan-Chandler, Bundesliga, 1994
061 14 Goedhart-Rohde, Postal, 1991
064 15 Adams-Lautier, Terrassa, 1991
069 16 Fischer-Matulovic, Herceg Novi (blitz), 1970
073 17 Eslon-Maric, Strasbourg, 1972
080 18 Georgiev-Inkiov, Bulgarian Championship, 1988
083 19 Faase-Welling, Dieren, 1987
088 20 Haas-Ricciardi, Postal, 1991
091 21 Tsarev-Ivanov, Moscow (Championship), 1990
096 Index of Players
100 Index of Variations
006 1 Liberzon-Wockenfuss, Bad Lauterberg, 1977
009 2 Cording-Boey, Postal (7th World Ch.), 1972
016 3 Zapata-G.Garcia, Medellin (m/6), 1992
019 4 Nunn-Rumens, London, 19775
025 5 Radev-Kirov, Bulgaria, 1974
028 6 Loechner-Rubesov, Correspondence, 1959
031 7 Timman-Speelman, London (7th match game), 1989
036 8 Ernst-Inkiov, Gausdal, 1989
041 9 Malaniuk-Yuferov, Minsk, 1985
044 10 Westerinen-Gprtlever, Wijk aan Zee, 1969
048 11 Hommeles-Timmerman, Netherlands (Ch.), 1993
054 12 Sherzer-Bykhovsky, New York (Manhattan), 1990
057 13 Bologan-Chandler, Bundesliga, 1994
061 14 Goedhart-Rohde, Postal, 1991
064 15 Adams-Lautier, Terrassa, 1991
069 16 Fischer-Matulovic, Herceg Novi (blitz), 1970
073 17 Eslon-Maric, Strasbourg, 1972
080 18 Georgiev-Inkiov, Bulgarian Championship, 1988
083 19 Faase-Welling, Dieren, 1987
088 20 Haas-Ricciardi, Postal, 1991
091 21 Tsarev-Ivanov, Moscow (Championship), 1990
096 Index of Players
100 Index of Variations
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