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A History of Chess

From Chaturanga to the Present Day

88 Seiten, kartoniert, Russell Enterprises, 1. Auflage 2012

14,50 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Chess the "Royal Game" is an ancient board game, perhaps fifteen hundred years old. There are many legends about how chess came to be. Most of them are folk tales and are far from reality.
Arguably more books have been written about chess than all the other games combined, but relatively little has been written about the history of chess. The topic is difficult; it requires thorough knowledge, and there are still many unknown historical pitfalls. It is therefore no surprise that there exist a variety of hypotheses concerning the origin of chess.
In this book, the author, legendary Russian grandmaster Yuri Averbakh, presents a well-researched and documented theory about the origins, development and spread of this immensely popular game. In addition, over three dozen splendid color plates presented on coated stock making the images suitable for framing supplement his historical analysis.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781936490448
Gewicht 170 g
Hersteller Russell Enterprises
Breite 15,2 cm
Höhe 22,9 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Autor Juri Awerbach
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 978-1936490448
Seiten 88
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Russell Enterprises
Adresse 234 Depot Road
Milford, CT 06460
Internet www.Russell-Enterprises.com
E-Mail hwr@russell-enterprises.com
004 Introduction by Yakov Shraiberg
005 Foreword by Garry Kasparov
008 From the Author
011 India
036 Iran and the Arab Caliphate
042 Armenia
044 Nepal
045 Western Europe
050 The Exchequer
052 Chess Pieces in Europe
053 Italy
053 France
054 England
054 Scandinavia
054 Poland
054 The Church and Chess
057 The Einsiedeln Manuscript
058 Cherchez la Femme 58
063 A Sermon on the Subject of Chess
066 Russia
069 Chess Reform
071 The Hyderabad Manuscript
079 Epilogue
083 Notes
088 Bibliography
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