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Chess Puzzles for Kids

100 puzzles to torment your brain cells

128 Seiten, gebunden, Gambit, 1. Auflage 2012

Aus der Reihe »Chess for Kids«

14,95 €
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This chess puzzle super-challenge contains 100 fun positions to solve, ranging from encouragingly easy to mind-numbingly hard. There are points to be won for finding the right solution, plus the entertaining format contains valuable tips on how to improve.
Each puzzle has been carefully graded to suit a wide range of chess abilities. Beginners and younger readers will enjoy the basic warm-up exercises, complete with helpful hints. More experienced players can wrestle with some classic puzzles, while at the same time learning about famous players and killer concepts.
A final chapter - Mission Impossible - is guaranteed to torment and inspire the most talented of future champions!
Chess is recognized in many countries as a useful tool for developing creative thinking in children. Chess Puzzles for Kids will quickly enable children to enjoy using their new-found skills to outwit friends and relatives.
Murray Chandler gained the chess grandmaster title by winning events in New York and Amsterdam. During 28 years as a professional player he has taken part in over 150 international tournaments, in 32 different countries. His previous books for young players - Chess for Children (with Helen Milligan), How to Beat Your Dad at Chess and Chess Tactics for Kids are widely used in schools and by junior coaches.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781906454401
Gewicht 390 g
Hersteller Gambit
Breite 17 cm
Höhe 23,4 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2012
Autor Murray Chandler
Reihe Chess for Kids
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 978-1-906454-40-1
Seiten 128
Einband gebunden
Hersteller Informationen
Name Gambit Publications Ltd.
Adresse 27 Queens Pine, Bracknell
Berkshire RG12 OTL
Internet www.gambitbooks.com
E-Mail info@gambitbooks.com
Queen & Bishop Line-Up
1) Picking Off the Pieces
2) The Classic Fork with Qe4
3) The Two-Move Knockout
4) The Mega-Knockout
5) More Queen & Bishop Line-Ups
Attacks on the g6-Square (After Castling)
6) The Ng6 Trick
7) The Bxh6/Qg6+ Combo
8) The Nf6+/Qg6+ Combo
9) How to Beat a World Champion
Attacks on the e6-Square(After Castling)
10) Central Collapse
11) The Nxe6/Rxe6 Combo
12) A Backward Pawn on e6
13) Knightmare on e6
14) More Knightmares on e6
Attacks on the King
15) The Killer Qf3/Nf5 Set-Up (1)
16) The Killer Qf3/Nf5 Set-Up (2)
17) The Tricky Qg3/Ng4 Set-Up
18) The Quiet Killer: Bf6
19) Knight Sacrifice on f6
20) More Nf6+ Sacrifices
21) Open the h-File with Bg5
22) Fright Knight
23) The Belated King-Hunt
24) Tactics on the Queenside
25) Finishing Off with Rg4+
26) The Simple Bxg7 Capture
Forks, Skewers, Pins...
27) Winning the Exchange
28) Hungarian Horror Story
29) The Unwelcome Visitor
30) More Bg6 Bishop Offers
31) Winning Material with Nh6+
32) The Bh6 Exchange Win
33) The Useful Nh5+ Trick
34) Another Useful Nh5+ Trick
35) Surprise Skewers
36) Weak Queenside Dark Squares
Decoys & Deflections
37) A Delightful Decoy
38) More Delightful Decoys
39) Dazzling Deflections
40) Fun with Bishops & Knights
41) Tal’s Tallinn Trick
42) The Ba6 Trap
43) The Rook & Knight Decoy
44) Mastering the Zwischenzug
45) The Ng4 Zwischenzug
46) The Ng6 Zwischenzug
Mating Patterns
47) A Mighty Mate on g8
48) More Mighty Mates
49) You Can Mate with Two Knights
50) The Rarest Checkmate
51) Boden & Friends
52) Arabian Knights
53) Remember the Rook-Lift
54) Rook-Lift with Rf5
55) Smothered & Semi-Smothered Mate
56) A Classic Semi-Smothered Mate
57) A Queen Sacrifice on h7
58) Off to the Beach
Attack on the Uncastled King
59) Attacking the Uncastled King
60) A Rxe6 Sacrifice
61) A Rare & Deep Discovery
Discovered Attacks
62) Prising Open the a-File
63) Discovered Attack on the c-File
64) Discovered Attack with Rg4+
65) Amazing Discoveries
66) Carnage on the Chessboard
67) A Neat Way to Win a Rook
Back-Rank Combinations
68) A Susceptible Structure
69) Snooze & Lose
70) More Snoozing, More Losing
71) Back-Rank Brilliance
72) A Pawn-on-the-Seventh Trick
73) Rook & Queen Double-Act
74) The Triple-Act
75) The Classic Rook Deflection
76) More Classic Rook Deflections
77) In the Footsteps of Alekhine
More Attacks on the h7-Square
78) Learning from History
79) Pawn-Grab on the h7-Square
80) More Free Pawns
81) The Ubiquitous Greek Gift
82) The Cunning Nxd7 Trap
83) Keep Control with Qh6
84) Hort’s Nifty Sidestep
Perpetual Checks
85) Simple Perpetual with a Queen
86) The Standard Queen Perpetual
87) A Perpetual Classic
88) Knight Sacrifice Perpetual Classic
89) A Queen & Knight Perpetual
90) The Rook & Knight Perpetual
91) Something Old, Something New
Opening Traps
92) Abnormal Opening Patterns
93) The Slav Trap
94) Double Trouble
95) Balashov’s Queen Blunder
Endgame Themes
96) A Right-Royal Endgame Tactic
97) Upside-Down Chess
98) Conjuring Up a Passed Pawn
And Finally...
99) Don’t Try This at Home
100) And It’s Good Knight from Him
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