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The Semi-Tarrasch Defence - Vol. 2


238 Seiten, kartoniert, Caissa Chess Books, 1. Auflage 2010

19,80 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
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International Grandmaster Jozsef Pinter is now the number one theoretiin Hungary. He was Hungarian Champion in 1978 and 1979. He played three times in the Interzonal Final. In a game of him against Kasparov, even the ex world champion had to struggle hard to achieve the draw. He is the captain of the Hungarian Olympic Chess Team. The leading teacher of the Maroczy Chess school, he has educated a large number of young talents.
In this book, he deals with one of the most popular openings of tothe Semi-Tarrasch Defence. Within the framework of 64 games, he surveys the whole opening, examining some deviations very prospicing them with not only variations but also with textual explanations.
This is an essential handbook for all those who want to gain an insight into the mysteries of this very interesting opening.
The present, second volume contains all the variations beginning with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 c5 5.cxd5 Nxd5 6.e3. It also includes an Index of Variations for both volumes!
Weitere Informationen
Gewicht 300 g
Hersteller Caissa Chess Books
Breite 14,5 cm
Höhe 20 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2010
Autor József Pintér
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
Seiten 238
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Caissa KFT
007 (35) S. Mamedyarov - J. Pinter
008 (36) L. Alburt - M. Dlugy
026 (37) R. Huebner - L. Ftacnik
050 (38) L. Stein - N. Krogius
055 (39) P. Nikolic - S. Djuric
063 (40) A. Sokolov - A. Kharitonov
071 (41) J. Razuvaev - I. Farago
078 (42) J. Eising - I. Farago
085 (43) B. Jansson - J. Pinter
089 (44) A. Dreev - R. Kasimdzhanov
094 (45) M. Filip - J. Pinter
103 (46) M. Filip - I. Platonov
116 (47) S. Reshevsky - R. Fischer
120 (48) J. Nunn - D. Campora
133 (49) B. Damljanovic - E. Torre
139 (50) V. Anand - A. Karpov
143 (51) Z. Ribli - L. Kavalek
146 (52) G. Sigurjonsson - B. Halldorsson
151 (53) M. Paragua - V. Bologan
155 (54) T. Petrosian - Y. Balashov
158 (55) I. Bilek - R. Kholmov
162 (56) P. Dely - L. Kovacs
167 (57) V. Anand - D. Mac Farlane
168 (58) S. Neamttu - V. Korchnoi
177 (59) B. Ostenstad - M. Scekic
182 (60) A. Beliavsky - A. Karpov
189 (61) V. Salov - A. Beliavsky
195 (62) A. Kharlov - L. Nisipeanu
206 (63) Hiarcs X50 UCI - Loop 10.32f
208 (64) M. Tal - I. Chikovani
230 Symbols used
231 Index of variations
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