Ending Attack at a Glance
Glance Shogi Series
420 Seiten, kartoniert, Madoka`s SHOGI Books, 1. Auflage 2014
EAN | 9784905225133 |
Gewicht | 250 g |
Hersteller | Madoka`s SHOGI Books |
Breite | 10,5 cm |
Höhe | 15 cm |
Medium | Buch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2014 |
Autor | Madoka Kitao |
Sprache | Englisch |
Auflage | 1 |
ISBN-13 | 978-4905225133 |
Seiten | 420 |
Einband | kartoniert |
Name | Madoka`s SHOGI Books |
005 Chapter 1: Mate at a Glance
007 Basic mate forms (Problem 1-30)
Cold-on-the-head 1-2
Using golds and silvers 1-5
Promotion 1-2
Using a knight
Blocking the escape route 1-4
Deflecting the defense 1-3
One-square-gap dragon 1-4
Chasing from behind 1-5
Draw the king closer
Create a blind spot
Discovered check
Create aspace
067 Mates in actual games (Problem 31-70)
Edge king 1-3
Rapid castling 1-2
Static rook's rapid attack form 1-5
Boat Castle related 1-6
Yagura related 1-8
Mino Castle related 1-9
Anaguma 1-3
Right-hand King 1-2
No foothold
147 Chapter 2: Brinkmate at a Glance
149 Basic brinkmate forms (Problem 71-103)
Oppress from above 1-8
Pincer attack 1-2
Two mating threats
Silver-on-the-belly 1-2
Remove the hindering piece 1-2
Dragon / Rook 1-6
Horse / Bishop 1-3
Edge king 1-7
Others 1-2
215 Brinkmates in actual games (Problem 104-133)
Mutual static rook related 1-10
Boat Castle related 1-4
Yagura related 1-7
Mino Castle related 1-3
Anaguma related 1-6
275 Chapter 3: Defense at a Glance
277 Avoiding a mate 1-20 (Problem 134-153)
317 Removing the threatmate 1-20 (Problem 154-173)
357 Chapter 4: Test your ability - What pieces do you need to mate?
359 Piece-in-hand problem 1-20 (Problem 174-193)
399 Chapter 5: Offensive-defensive Move at a Glance
401 Double king problem 1-7 (Problem 194-200)
007 Basic mate forms (Problem 1-30)
Cold-on-the-head 1-2
Using golds and silvers 1-5
Promotion 1-2
Using a knight
Blocking the escape route 1-4
Deflecting the defense 1-3
One-square-gap dragon 1-4
Chasing from behind 1-5
Draw the king closer
Create a blind spot
Discovered check
Create aspace
067 Mates in actual games (Problem 31-70)
Edge king 1-3
Rapid castling 1-2
Static rook's rapid attack form 1-5
Boat Castle related 1-6
Yagura related 1-8
Mino Castle related 1-9
Anaguma 1-3
Right-hand King 1-2
No foothold
147 Chapter 2: Brinkmate at a Glance
149 Basic brinkmate forms (Problem 71-103)
Oppress from above 1-8
Pincer attack 1-2
Two mating threats
Silver-on-the-belly 1-2
Remove the hindering piece 1-2
Dragon / Rook 1-6
Horse / Bishop 1-3
Edge king 1-7
Others 1-2
215 Brinkmates in actual games (Problem 104-133)
Mutual static rook related 1-10
Boat Castle related 1-4
Yagura related 1-7
Mino Castle related 1-3
Anaguma related 1-6
275 Chapter 3: Defense at a Glance
277 Avoiding a mate 1-20 (Problem 134-153)
317 Removing the threatmate 1-20 (Problem 154-173)
357 Chapter 4: Test your ability - What pieces do you need to mate?
359 Piece-in-hand problem 1-20 (Problem 174-193)
399 Chapter 5: Offensive-defensive Move at a Glance
401 Double king problem 1-7 (Problem 194-200)