Sabaki at a Glance
Glance Shogi Series
416 Seiten, kartoniert, Nekomado, 1. Auflage 2011
Aus der Reihe »Glance Shogi Series«
EAN | 9784905225102 |
Gewicht | 240 g |
Hersteller | Nekomado |
Breite | 10,6 cm |
Höhe | 15 cm |
Medium | Buch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2011 |
Autor | Madoka Kitao |
Reihe | Glance Shogi Series |
Sprache | Englisch |
Auflage | 1 |
ISBN-13 | 978-4905225102 |
Seiten | 416 |
Einband | kartoniert |
Name | Nekomado |
005 Chapter 1: Basic Sabaki (Problem 1-64)
Basic Sabaki 1-64
135 Chapter 2: Ishida Style (Problem 65-113)
Quick Ishida 1-7
Masuda's Ishida Style 1-6
Ishida Style vs Climbing Gold 1-12
Ishida Style vs Left-hand Mino 1-12
Ishida Style vs Silver Crown
Ishida Style vs Static Rook Anaguma 1-11
235 Chapter 3: Gokigen Central Rook (Problem 114-151)
Gokigen Central Rook 1-38
313 Chapter 4: 4th-file Rook vs Rapid Attack (Problem 152-177)
Yamada Joseki 1-5
4th-file Rook vs Climbing Silver 1-9
4th-file Rook vs Oblique Climbing Silver 1-8
Pawn-45 Rapid Engagement 1-4
367 Chapter 5: Yagura (Problem 178-200)
Climbing Silver 1-5
Rapid-engaging Yagura 1-4
Minami Style 1-3
Spearing the Sparrow 1-3
Double Yagura 1-8
Basic Sabaki 1-64
135 Chapter 2: Ishida Style (Problem 65-113)
Quick Ishida 1-7
Masuda's Ishida Style 1-6
Ishida Style vs Climbing Gold 1-12
Ishida Style vs Left-hand Mino 1-12
Ishida Style vs Silver Crown
Ishida Style vs Static Rook Anaguma 1-11
235 Chapter 3: Gokigen Central Rook (Problem 114-151)
Gokigen Central Rook 1-38
313 Chapter 4: 4th-file Rook vs Rapid Attack (Problem 152-177)
Yamada Joseki 1-5
4th-file Rook vs Climbing Silver 1-9
4th-file Rook vs Oblique Climbing Silver 1-8
Pawn-45 Rapid Engagement 1-4
367 Chapter 5: Yagura (Problem 178-200)
Climbing Silver 1-5
Rapid-engaging Yagura 1-4
Minami Style 1-3
Spearing the Sparrow 1-3
Double Yagura 1-8
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