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The Brussels OHRA Tournament, 1986

Chess on TV

286 Seiten, kartoniert, Reprint, Hardinge, 1. Auflage 2004

Aus der Reihe »Hardinge Simpole Chess Classics«

34,99 €
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Brussels 1986 was a ground breaking event in many respects. It was Kasparov's first tournament after his gruelling series of marathons against Anatoly Karpov for the world title, and it was the first major tournament televised by the BBC and containing commentary by the players themselves. The majority of the notes are by Grandmaster Ray Keene but readers will also find analysis by Kasparov and others of the greats involved.
This event contains Short's sensational first-ever win against Kasparov which gave notice that Nigel would go on to become a world title challenger himself. Ultimately Kasparov blew away the field and won a double round event by a substantial margin. The games are razor sharp - indeed double edged - and Kasparov's cliff-hanging battle with Korchnoi - recreated blow by blow for television - has to be seen to be believed!


The OHRA tournament, played in Brussels in December 1986, was a chess event of exceptionally high calibre. Indeed, in terms of the average Elo ratings of the contestants it was the strongest tournament in the history of the game. In addition, it was the first tournament in which Kasparov had competed for three years, his first as world champion.
For these reasons, the BBC chose OHRA Brussels for its new Chess Classic series. Using the 'voice-over' techniques made popular by the old Master Game programmes, viewers are given an opportunity to eavesdrop on the grandmasters' thoughts. We are indebted to the BBC for permission to reproduce extracts from these players' thought tracks in this volume. We should also like to thank Chess Classics Producer, Wendy Sturgess, for her encouragement in bringing this book out quickly, to coincide with transmission of the series.
Thirteen games were covered by the BBC. This book includes those games as well as the other seventeen played in the tournament.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781843821304
Gewicht 380 g
Hersteller Hardinge
Breite 13,7 cm
Höhe 21,5 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
Autor Raymond Keene
Reihe Hardinge Simpole Chess Classics
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-10 1843821303
ISBN-13 9781843821304
Seiten 286
Einband kartoniert
009 Portisch v Short
014 Nunn v Kasparov
024 Korchnoi v Hübner
036 Short v Hübner
051 Kasparov v Korchnoi
064 Portisch v Nunn
072 Nunn v Short
083 Korchnoi v Portisch
094 Hübner v Kasparov
106 Short v Kasparov
119 Portisch v Hübner
125 Nunn v Korchnoi
132 Korchnoi v Short
137 Hübner v Nunn
143 Kasparov v Portisch
158 Short v Portisch
167 Kasparov v Nunn
173 Hübner v Korchnoi
184 Hübner v Short
192 Korchnoi v Kasparov
197 Nunn v Portisch
206 Short v Nunn
212 Portisch v Korchnoi
219 Kasparov v Hübner
230 Kasparov v Short
241 Hübner v Portisch
248 Korchnoi v Nunn
262 Short v Korchnoi
273 Portisch v Kasparov
278 Nunn v Hübner
286 Final Crosstable