Fighting Fundamentals
256 Seiten, kartoniert, Eigenverlag, 1. Auflage 2013
By answering all the essential questions of why, about what, where, when and how to fight, this comprehensive guide to the key skill of fighting makes understanding easy. General principles are applied to many examples for all the types of fights, such as mutual reductions, splitting attacks or exchanges, and the fighting techniques including flexibility, forcing moves and sacri fice. The important aims about life, stability, choices, territory, influence, aji and playing elsewhere are related to general fighting strategy, so that the reader recognises clear structure even in complex fights and develops the most powerful attack and defense.
Gewicht | 330 g |
Hersteller | Eigenverlag |
Breite | 14,8 cm |
Höhe | 21 cm |
Medium | Buch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2013 |
Autor | Robert Jasiek |
Sprache | Englisch |
Auflage | 1 |
Seiten | 256 |
Einband | kartoniert |
Name | Eigenverlag |
006 Introduction
007 Basics
007 The Most Basic Terms and Ideas
010 Important and Valuable
015 Life and Death
019 Stability
021 Thickness and Influence
026 Aji
028 Types of Fights
028 Problems
029 Mutual Settling Fight
036 Reduction
038 Mutual Reduction Fight
041 Invasion
044 Attack on One Group
047 Splitting Attack
051 Multiple Groups Fight
054 Mutual Running Fight
056 Cutting Fight
058 Leaning Attack
062 Exchange
068 Capturing Race
070 Complex Fight
074 Answers
077 Primary Aims
078 Problems
080 Defended Life
082 Capture versus Sacrifice and Exchange
084 Threatened versus Prevented Capture of a Group
086 Threatened versus Prevented Capture of Part of a Group
088 Threatened versus Defended Stability
090 Offering a Strategie Choice
095 Secondary Aims
095 Territory
096 Making Territory
099 Shifting the Territory Balance
102 Strengthening One's Own Territory
105 Preventing Opposing Territory
107 Influence
107 Making lnfluence
111 Strengthening One's Own Influence
114 Preventing or Restricting Opposing Influence
117 Aji
117 Exploiting Aji
121 Creating Aji
124 Eliminating Aji
125 Playing EIsewhere
127 Answers
131 Fighting Techniques and Moves
131 Problems
132 Reading
138 Interruption
144 Attacking Life
144 Capturing
147 Cut
149 Blocking Directions
153 Attacking Eyespace
158 Maintaining Connection and Lif
159 Flexibility
163 Severity
168 Defending Life
168 Simplicity
170 Maintaining Connection
173 Connection to Another Group
175 lmproving Eyespace
176 Running
178 Capturing
182 Options
183 Contact Plays
187 Flexibility
191 Efficiency
192 Forcing
193 The Attacker's Forcing
195 The Defender's Forcing
200 Combined Attack and Defense
203 Resistance
204 Timing
212 Sacrifice
216 Answers
218 Strategy
218 Problems
219 About What and Where to Fight
229 General Fighting Strategy
235 Reduction and Invasion
248 Answers
252 Index
007 Basics
007 The Most Basic Terms and Ideas
010 Important and Valuable
015 Life and Death
019 Stability
021 Thickness and Influence
026 Aji
028 Types of Fights
028 Problems
029 Mutual Settling Fight
036 Reduction
038 Mutual Reduction Fight
041 Invasion
044 Attack on One Group
047 Splitting Attack
051 Multiple Groups Fight
054 Mutual Running Fight
056 Cutting Fight
058 Leaning Attack
062 Exchange
068 Capturing Race
070 Complex Fight
074 Answers
077 Primary Aims
078 Problems
080 Defended Life
082 Capture versus Sacrifice and Exchange
084 Threatened versus Prevented Capture of a Group
086 Threatened versus Prevented Capture of Part of a Group
088 Threatened versus Defended Stability
090 Offering a Strategie Choice
095 Secondary Aims
095 Territory
096 Making Territory
099 Shifting the Territory Balance
102 Strengthening One's Own Territory
105 Preventing Opposing Territory
107 Influence
107 Making lnfluence
111 Strengthening One's Own Influence
114 Preventing or Restricting Opposing Influence
117 Aji
117 Exploiting Aji
121 Creating Aji
124 Eliminating Aji
125 Playing EIsewhere
127 Answers
131 Fighting Techniques and Moves
131 Problems
132 Reading
138 Interruption
144 Attacking Life
144 Capturing
147 Cut
149 Blocking Directions
153 Attacking Eyespace
158 Maintaining Connection and Lif
159 Flexibility
163 Severity
168 Defending Life
168 Simplicity
170 Maintaining Connection
173 Connection to Another Group
175 lmproving Eyespace
176 Running
178 Capturing
182 Options
183 Contact Plays
187 Flexibility
191 Efficiency
192 Forcing
193 The Attacker's Forcing
195 The Defender's Forcing
200 Combined Attack and Defense
203 Resistance
204 Timing
212 Sacrifice
216 Answers
218 Strategy
218 Problems
219 About What and Where to Fight
229 General Fighting Strategy
235 Reduction and Invasion
248 Answers
252 Index
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