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Fighting Ko

146 Seiten, kartoniert, Yutopian, 1. Auflage 1995

12,95 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Final vergriffen
This handbook catalogues the wide variety of ko situations that one is likely to encounter over the board, as well as several that may not appear in the course of a lifetime of playing! But the reader will appreciate the concise and thorough treatment of the subject.
Some players shy away from playing ko because they fear that they will get lost in the complications, but in the final analysis, this fear stems from a lack of understanding of the fundamental concepts involved. Fighting Ko provides all the information, advice and encouragement the reader may need to overcome such limitations.
Ko positions in opening, middlegame and endgame settings are shown, as well as those that arise in standard joseki and invasion sequences. Strategy and whole board analysis as they apply to ko fights are also covered. The special properties of the 1-2 and 2-2 points in the corner, often utilized in making ko, are given elaborate treatment as well.
In addition, several examples from professional games are presented. The final chapter tests the reader`s comprehension of the material covered, offering twenty problems similar to ones that may occur in real games circumstances.
Mastering the subject matter presented in this book will add potent weapons to any player`s game.
With glossary and index.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 0964184737
Gewicht 130 g
Hersteller Yutopian
Breite 79 mm
Höhe 12,9 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 1995
Autor Jin Jiang
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-10 0964184737
Seiten 146
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Yutopian Enterprises
E-Mail yutopian@netcom.com
Table of Contents

007 Preface
009 Chapter One
009 The Correct Attitude Regarding Ko
009 Model 1 - Shun Cowardice
011 Model 2 - Using Ko to Settle One`s Shape
012 Model 3 - Using Ko to Option Territory
016 Model 4 - Using Ko in One`s Strategy
017 Model 5 - Do not Blindly Initiate Ko Fights
020 Chapter Two
020 Deciding Whether to Initiate a Ko Fight
020 1) Corner Joseki
020 Model 1 - The Contact Play
022 Model 2 - Entering the 3-3 Point
024 Model 3 - The Two Space Jump
025 Model 4 - The Three Space Pincer
026 Model 5 - Taisha
027 2) Deft Handling (Shinogi)
027 Model 6 - Escaping
029 Model 7 - Settling Shape
031 Model 8 - Settling Weak Stones
032 3) Invasion
032 Model 9 - Invading at the 3-3 Point
033 Model 10 - Invading a 3 Point Extension
035 4) Sealing
035 Model 11 - Sealing off
036 Model 12 - Capping
040 Chapter Three
040 Ko Types and Their Relationship to Liberties
040 1) Direct Ko
041 2) Approach Move Ko (or Wayword Ko)
043 3) Double Ko
043 Examples of double ko with one side being killed
045 Examples of double ko with a seemingly dead group being revived
047 An examples of double ko making seki
047 4) Two-Step Ko
054 5) Ten Thousand Year Ko
057 No Ten Thousand Year Ko When There are External Liberties
058 6) Miscellaneous Ko: Repaeting Ko Threats, Triple Ko and Unresolvable Ko Threats
059 Unresolvable Ko Threats
060 More Examples of Repeating Ko Situations
063 Capturing Races
066 Eyes and Counting Liberties
068 Sufficient Liberties Kill an Eye
070 Chapter Four
070 Various Ko Shapes in Real Game Situations
070 1) Common Go Shapes in the Corner
070 Model 1 - 12
080 Life and death in the Corner
080 Examples Involving the 2-2 Point
080 Example 1 - 5
083 Examples Involving the 1-2 Point
083 Example 1 - 9
089 2) Common ko Shapes on the Side of the Board
089 Example 1 - 11
100 Chapter Five
100 Examples in Professional Games
117 Chapter Six
117 Twenty Problems Dealing with Ko
122 Solutions to Ko Problems
141 Glossary and Index
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