Gruenfeld Defense - Russian Variations
100 Seiten, kartoniert, Chess Enterprises, 2. Auflage 1988
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The Russian Variations (4 Nf3 Bg7 5 Qb3)have become a popular weapon against the Grünfeld Defence. Anatoly Karpov used it very successfully in the 1986 World Championship match, when all other methods were failing to achieve an advantage against Kasparov's stubborn resistance. In this substantial revision of his 1985 book, Eric Schiller provides a complete repertoire against the Grünfeld, based on the 5 Qb3 lines but also including lesser known variations combining the Exchange Variation with the idea of Qd1-b3. The variations are illustrated by many complete games, including 15 fully annotated examples.
EAN | 0931462843 |
Gewicht | 170 g |
Hersteller | Chess Enterprises |
Breite | 13,4 cm |
Höhe | 20,8 cm |
Medium | Buch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 1988 |
Autor | Eric Schiller |
Sprache | Englisch |
Auflage | 2 |
ISBN-10 | 0931462843 |
Seiten | 100 |
Einband | kartoniert |
Name | Chess Enterprises |
001 1 Introduction and 4 Qb3
005 2 5...c6
008 3 5...dxc4 6 Qxc4 (Introduction)
012 4 7...Nfd7
015 5 7...Na6
018 6 7...c6
021 7 7...a6
026 8 7...Nc6
032 9 7...Bg4 (Introduction)
041 10 Alternatives to 9...Nb6
045 11 9...Nb6 10 Rd1 (Miscellaneous replies)
053 12 9...Nb6 10 Rd1 Nc6
061 13 Russian Exchange 4 cxd5 Nxd5 5 Qb3!?
064 14 Romanishin Exchange 5 cxd5 Nxd5 6 Qb3
068 15 Illustrative Games
070 1. Botvinnik - Yudovich
071 2. Euwe - Smyslov
073 3. Euwe - Smyslov
075 4. Levenfish - Smyslov
077 5. Botvinnik - Fischer
080 6. Portisch - Gheoghiu
082 7. Sosonko - Reichstein
083 8. Keene - Smyslov
085 9. Zerlinsky - Yeremin
086 10. Lputian - Tseshkovsky
087 11. Portisch - Korchnoi
091 12. Gulko - Gavrikov
093 13. Vonk - Raisanen
094 14. Karpov - Kasparov
098 15. Karpov - Timman
100 References
005 2 5...c6
008 3 5...dxc4 6 Qxc4 (Introduction)
012 4 7...Nfd7
015 5 7...Na6
018 6 7...c6
021 7 7...a6
026 8 7...Nc6
032 9 7...Bg4 (Introduction)
041 10 Alternatives to 9...Nb6
045 11 9...Nb6 10 Rd1 (Miscellaneous replies)
053 12 9...Nb6 10 Rd1 Nc6
061 13 Russian Exchange 4 cxd5 Nxd5 5 Qb3!?
064 14 Romanishin Exchange 5 cxd5 Nxd5 6 Qb3
068 15 Illustrative Games
070 1. Botvinnik - Yudovich
071 2. Euwe - Smyslov
073 3. Euwe - Smyslov
075 4. Levenfish - Smyslov
077 5. Botvinnik - Fischer
080 6. Portisch - Gheoghiu
082 7. Sosonko - Reichstein
083 8. Keene - Smyslov
085 9. Zerlinsky - Yeremin
086 10. Lputian - Tseshkovsky
087 11. Portisch - Korchnoi
091 12. Gulko - Gavrikov
093 13. Vonk - Raisanen
094 14. Karpov - Kasparov
098 15. Karpov - Timman
100 References
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