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New York 1924

352 Seiten, kartoniert, Russell Enterprises, 2009, original erschienen 1925

29,95 €
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New York 1924 - A Truly Extraordinary Tournament
One of the most remarkable and famous chess tournaments ever took place in New York City in March and April 1924. It had a narrative that is still striking today: Three world champions - undisputed world champions, mind you - fulfilling their destiny. The stunning performance of the 55-year-old former world champion Emanuel Lasker. The seemingly invincible reigning world champion José Capablanca suffering his first loss in eight years. And all 110 tournament games deeply annotated by future world champion Alexander Alekhine.
The tournament book that Alekhine produced became the stuff of legend. He provides real analysis, and with words, not just moves. He imbues the book with personality, on the one hand ruthlessly objective, even with his own mistakes, on the other, candidly subjective.
This is a modern "21st Century Edition" of Alekhine's classic, using figurine algebraic notation, adding many more diagrams, but preserving the original, masterful text and annotations.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781888690484
Gewicht 470 g
Hersteller Russell Enterprises
Breite 15,4 cm
Höhe 22,9 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2009
Autor Alexander Alekhine
Sprache Englisch
ISBN-13 9781888690484
Jahr der Originalausgabe 1925
Seiten 352
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Russell Enterprises
Adresse 234 Depot Road
Milford, CT 06460
Internet www.Russell-Enterprises.com
E-Mail hwr@russell-enterprises.com
004 Foreword
006 Preface
007 Publisher's Note
009 The Scoring, Round by Round
010 Score of the Tournament
011 Introduction
014 Review of the Tournament
018 First Round
032 Second Round
044 Third Round
054 Fourth Round
071 Fifth Round
082 Sixth Round
098 Seventh Round
113 Eighth Round
130 Ninth Round
145 Tenth Round
158 Eleventh Round
173 Twelfth Round
185 Thirteenth Round
198 Fourteenth Round
214 Fifteenth Round
228 Sixteenth Round
244 Seventeenth Round
258 Eighteenth Round
272 Nineteenth Round
283 Twentieth Round
297 Twenty-First Round
312 Twenty-Second Round
324 The Significance of the New York Tournament in the Light of the Theory of the Openings
351 Index of Players
352 Index of Openings
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