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Quarterly for Chess History, Vol. 5, No. 17


634 Seiten, gebunden, Caissa 90-Olomouc, 1. Auflage 2016

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Editor´s note
Dear readers,
after almost five years, another issue of the Quarterly for Chess History has entered the world. This long pause was, in the first place, due to the academic career of the editor, who for alt that time was unable to devote as much time to chess history as he would have liked. In 2015, the editor resigned as vice-dean for research and science of the Faculty of Law, Palacky University, after 12 years in this office. At the same time he completed several prolonged academic projects,· which had previously absorbed most of his time and energy and so now it looks at last as though his desk is almost clear. For this reason he has promised hirnself that in future he will give much more time to the faithful love of his life, the history of chess. The first step on this road is to resume the publishing of the Quarterly for Chess History. With the help of Tony Gillam, John S. Hilbert, Alain Pallier, Ivan Bottlik, Fabrizio Zavatarelli and some others you can hold in your hands this new volume with a good deal of interesting historical chess material.
At first sight you can see that unlike the previous 16 volumes there is now an editorial board. I have tried to obtain the cooperation in the next volume of QCH leading world chess historians. After publishing 16 volumes (with almost 7,000 pages of chess texts), I have self-critically admitted that it is not in the power of a single person and several elose associates from the sphere of chess history (special acknowledgments are due to Tony Gillam, but there are a great many more collaborators) to carry the burden and the fate of the whole publication. The involvement and collaboration of a greater number of chess historians, some of whom will take over the responsibility for separate sections of the periodical, should provide a higher standard of content and especially guarantee keeping to regular three-monthly intervals of publishing.
In content and structure there will be no surprise; this QCH follows all preceding volumes. So this time, too, you will find the usual sections, Chess Archives, Chess Biographies, Forgotten Chess Tournaments, Classical Chess Matches, Great Chess Players, Correspondence Chess, Women's Chess, Chess Research, Chess Miscellany, Chess Problems and Chess Reviews. Sharing in this issue are, beside the editor, the most prominent living British chess historian Tony Gillam, a legend of American chess history and author of many essential chess biographies John S. Hilbert, the leading Hungarian chess historian Ivän Bottlik, and a representative of the rising young generation of Italian chess historians Fabrizio Zavatareli, also known as the author of the recent beautiful chess biography of Kolisch. The section Chess Problems is, as usual, taken care of by Alain Pallier.
Another great advantage for the future of QCH is the fact that the care ofthe readers and the new web pages (www.moravian-chess.cz) have been taken over by the editor's daughter, a graduate in media studies and marketing, who has practical experience with the editing and marketing of the periodical Media Studies. When you visit OUT new web pages, you will immediately notice the positive effect of her participation in the family firm.
Weitere Informationen
Gewicht 950 g
Hersteller Caissa 90-Olomouc
Breite 15,2 cm
Höhe 21,4 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
Autor Vlastimil Fiala
Reihe Quarterly for Chess History
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
Seiten 634
Einband gebunden
Hersteller Informationen
Name Chess Agency CAISSA 90
Adresse Gorkeho 31
Olmouc 77900
E-Mail fialav@hotmail.com
005 Editor's Note
Chess Archives
009 The Early Chess Career oJ F. D. Yates. Second Part: 1907-1908 (Vlastimil Fiala)
101 Genesis of an Opportunity: S. Lipschütz and the New York State Chess Association 's, February 22, 1889, Championship (John S. Hilbert)
Chess Biographies
111 Mikhail Chigorin. Part Three: 1880-1881 (Vlastimil Fiala)
150 Wladyslaw Maczuski (1837-1898) (Antbony J. Gillam)
Forgotten Chess Tournaments
221 The 10th District of Columbia Championship Tournament, Spring 1939 (Vlastimil Fiala and Andy Ansel)
259 International Tournament at Graz 1890 (lvan Bottlik and Anthony J. Gillam)
Classical Chess Matches
271 The Roman Games between Dubois and Wyvill in 1845-46 (Fabrizio Zavatarelli)
285 Euwe - Keres Match. The Netherlands, 1939/40 (compiled by Vlastimil Fiala)
Great Chess Players (Compiled by Vlastimil Fiala)
311 Howard Staunton
323 Paul Morphy
337 Emanuel Lasker
382 Wilhelm Steinitz
387 Alexander Alekhine
406 Jose Raul Capablanca
Correspondence Chess
414 The Continental Correspondence Tournament 1894-1898. First Part (Vlastirnil Fiala)
Women's Chess
452 Louisa Matilda Ballard Fagan: First Part: 1899 (Vlastimil Fiala)
457 Chess Women Notes
Chess Research
466 Contents of the Quarterly for Chess History Nos. 9-16
480 Research Trips to Ljubljana, Brauslava and Gyor (Anthony J. Gillam)
484 Let's Make it Better (Anthony Gillam and Vlastimil Fiala)
Chess Miscellany (Compiled by Vlastimil Fiala)
485 Numbers 401-425
Chess Problems
591 A toumey from the past: the 1916 Rice Memorial International Problem anti End-Game Tournament (Alain Pallier)
Chess Reviews
605 Tragic Life and Short Chess Career of James A. Leonhard; 1841-1862 by John S. Hilbert (Reviewed by Vlastimil Fiala)
610 James Mason in America. The Early Chess Career, 1867-1878 by Joost van Winsen (Reviewed by Vlastimil Fiala)
622 Isaac Kashdan, American Chess Grandmaster. A Career Summary with 757 Games. by Peter P. Lahde (Reviewed by Vlastimil Fiala)
627 Rubinstein. Correction; additions and Comments on the Donaldson and Minev Volumes (by Anthony J. GilIam)
631 Index of the Players
634 Index of the Openings

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