Thomas Frère and the Brotherhood of Chess
History of 19th Century Chess in NY City
211 Seiten, kartoniert, McFarland, 2. Auflage 2013, Erstauflage 2007
About the Book
The 19th century in the United States saw the evolution of a leisure society. Enjoying numerous technological advances, people had free time to indulge in a variety of pursuits. An assortment of board games flooded American homes. By mid-century, chess had surpassed all others in popularity. The author of three important chess texts, Thomas Frere was instrumental in the growth of chess in America.
This work reveals the 19th century development of chess through the writings of Thomas Frere: books, letters, chess columns and scrapbooks, illuminating important players of the time and their games.
The main text is divided into four sections covering 1827-1900. The first looks at the early years as chess moved from private to public venues, and formal chess clubs were established such as Frere’s Brooklyn Chess Club in 1856. The second section deals with the First American Chess Congress and the advent of Paul Morphy and the third is on Frere’s role in the first formal world chess championship, thoroughly documented in his letters. The fourth section examines the last decade of the 1800s as chess moved into the 1900s.
About the Author
Martin Frere Hillyer, a descendant of Thomas Frere, lives in Ohio.
"a leading organizer and writer of the day and is given credit for codifying competition rules at the time...also left behind a great deal of chess notes and memorabilia...impressively detailed picture of the era...delightful, well-researched...has obviously been produced with loving care"--British Chess Magazine
"the book offers a unique look at chess life in this country in the 19th century"--The Washington Post
"well researched and well written book...strongly recommended"--IM John Donaldson (
The 19th century in the United States saw the evolution of a leisure society. Enjoying numerous technological advances, people had free time to indulge in a variety of pursuits. An assortment of board games flooded American homes. By mid-century, chess had surpassed all others in popularity. The author of three important chess texts, Thomas Frere was instrumental in the growth of chess in America.
This work reveals the 19th century development of chess through the writings of Thomas Frere: books, letters, chess columns and scrapbooks, illuminating important players of the time and their games.
The main text is divided into four sections covering 1827-1900. The first looks at the early years as chess moved from private to public venues, and formal chess clubs were established such as Frere’s Brooklyn Chess Club in 1856. The second section deals with the First American Chess Congress and the advent of Paul Morphy and the third is on Frere’s role in the first formal world chess championship, thoroughly documented in his letters. The fourth section examines the last decade of the 1800s as chess moved into the 1900s.
About the Author
Martin Frere Hillyer, a descendant of Thomas Frere, lives in Ohio.
"a leading organizer and writer of the day and is given credit for codifying competition rules at the time...also left behind a great deal of chess notes and memorabilia...impressively detailed picture of the era...delightful, well-researched...has obviously been produced with loving care"--British Chess Magazine
"the book offers a unique look at chess life in this country in the 19th century"--The Washington Post
"well researched and well written book...strongly recommended"--IM John Donaldson (
EAN | 9780786475087 |
Gewicht | 410 g |
Hersteller | McFarland |
Breite | 17,6 cm |
Höhe | 25,4 cm |
Medium | Buch |
Erscheinungsjahr | 2013 |
Autor | Martin Frère Hillyer |
Sprache | Englisch |
Auflage | 2 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0786475087 |
Jahr der Erstauflage | 2007 |
Seiten | 211 |
Einband | kartoniert |
Fotos | 37 |
Name | Mc Farland & Company, Inc., Publishers |
Adresse | 960 Highway 88 W Box 611) Jefferson, North Carolina 28640-0611 USA |
Internet | | |
ix List of Illustrations
xi Acknowledgments
001 Introduction
Part I: 1827-1856
005 1. The Early Years
016 2. Manhattan, 1854-1856
021 Selected Games from Frere’s Chess Hand-Book
027 Challenging Problems from the Chess Hand-Book
033 Chess Hand-Book Problem Solutions
Part II: 1857-1865
037 3. Manhattan, 1857
046 Morphy’s Games in America
061 Frere’s Problem Tournament
068 Frere’s Problem Solutions
071 4. "It smells like a Fiske"
095 5. 1861-1865: Conflict and Tragedy
100 Morphy’s Games in Europe
Part III: 1877-1886
111 6. 1877: The Manhattan Chess Club
125 7. 1879: Living Chess
142 8. 1880: The Fifth American Chess Congress
160 9. 1883-1884: Welcome Steinitz! Farewell Morphy!
171 10. 1885-1886: The First World Championship
Part IV: Through 1900
181 11. The Final Years
195 Appendix A: A Chess Collector’s Tale
197 Appendix B: Morphy and Steinitz
199 Chapter Notes
203 Selected Bibliography
205 Index of Games and Openings
207 General Index
xi Acknowledgments
001 Introduction
Part I: 1827-1856
005 1. The Early Years
016 2. Manhattan, 1854-1856
021 Selected Games from Frere’s Chess Hand-Book
027 Challenging Problems from the Chess Hand-Book
033 Chess Hand-Book Problem Solutions
Part II: 1857-1865
037 3. Manhattan, 1857
046 Morphy’s Games in America
061 Frere’s Problem Tournament
068 Frere’s Problem Solutions
071 4. "It smells like a Fiske"
095 5. 1861-1865: Conflict and Tragedy
100 Morphy’s Games in Europe
Part III: 1877-1886
111 6. 1877: The Manhattan Chess Club
125 7. 1879: Living Chess
142 8. 1880: The Fifth American Chess Congress
160 9. 1883-1884: Welcome Steinitz! Farewell Morphy!
171 10. 1885-1886: The First World Championship
Part IV: Through 1900
181 11. The Final Years
195 Appendix A: A Chess Collector’s Tale
197 Appendix B: Morphy and Steinitz
199 Chapter Notes
203 Selected Bibliography
205 Index of Games and Openings
207 General Index
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