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The Learning Spiral

A New Way to Teach and Study Chess

510 Seiten, kartoniert, Mongoose, 1. Auflage 2018

23,95 €
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Will memorizing a mountain of related chess positions help you to learn? Have you spent untold time studying a chess idea and then found that you can’t remember it in a game? Education research, says Kevin Cripe, has found that optimal learning is based largely on the structure of problem sets and your brain’s ability to understand similarities and differences. In The Learning Spiral, the author contends that you will actually absorb the game’s concepts faster with seemingly random but carefully selected puzzles than with traditional, step-by-step teaching techniques. The key is that this is closer to real-life chess play, where nobody tells you the ”theme“ of the position in front of you.

With twenty-five years’ experience getting underprivileged kids to achieve beyond all expectations, Cripe now takes his holistic instructional methods to the chess arena. Designed for both chess novices and their coaches, The Learning Spiral sets out the theory, explains how it works, and then applies it with more than 400 positions for the student to solve.

So go ahead, analyze, differentiate and improve quickly!
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781936277889
Gewicht 880 g
Hersteller Mongoose
Breite 17,5 cm
Höhe 25,3 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2018
Autor Kevin Cripe
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 978-1-936277-88-9
Seiten 510
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Mongoose Press
Adresse 831 Beacon St., Suite 199
Newton Highlands, MA 02459
Internet www.MongoosePress.com
E-Mail mongoosepress@gmail.com
005 Foreword by Dr. John Hattie, University of Melbourne
009 Note to Students, Teachers, and Parents
011 Introduction
015 Watching Children Learn
027 Chapter 1: The Pieces and How They Move
078 Chapter 2: Checkmate or Stalemate
088 Chapter 3: Pins and Skewers
106 Chapter 4: Knight Moves and Back-rank Problems
123 Chapter 5: Deflections and Promotions
140 Chapter 6: Games to Learn From
166 Chapter 7: Endgame Tactics and Smashing the Kingside
201 Chapter 8: Evaluation, Basic Endgames, and Stems
225 Chapter 9: The Active King
236 Chapter 10: Some Ideas from Grandmaster Games
262 Chapter 11: Practice Thinking
492 Glossary
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