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Wojo's Weapons - Vol. 3

Winning with White

402 Seiten, kartoniert, Mongoose, 1. Auflage 2013

26,95 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
The Grünfeld is one of the most topical openings in modern chess practice. Many club players fear it, and top GMs often struggle to get an advantage when facing it as White. But is it really a theoretically sound defense? In this third and final volume of the acclaimed Wojo’s Weapons series, IM Dean Ippolito and NM Jonathan Hilton claim to have found a sure route to an advantage against this opening.

Building on the repertoire of the late GM Aleksander Wojtkiewicz, the authors reveal the fruits of a combined 35 years of Grünfeld analysis in the first 200 pages. Hilton, himself a Grünfeld player, admits that Ippolito’s pet variation with the surprising 10.Qc2!? sets Black nearly insolvable problems in the open lines.

Much more than a Grünfeld monograph, however, Wojo’s Weapons III provides in-depth coverage of other pesky openings such as the Dutch, the Old Indian, and the Hedgehog, arming you with the knowledge needed to turn the tables on your opponent and take him out of his comfort zone.

No matter what openings they play, chessplayers at any skill level can use Ippolito and Hilton’s full-game coverage in Wojo’s Weapons III as a series of practical lessons in strategic chess.

This ambitious repertoire project for White, which started with the 2009 release of the first volume of Wojo’s Weapons, is now complete.

About the Authors

International Master Dean Ippolito, a 10-time All-America Team member and winner of 13 national championship tournaments, has more than twenty years’ experience playing Wojtkiewicz’s systems. The author of two other books, Dean operates a successful chess teaching company in New Jersey.

National Master Jonathan Hilton is an award-winning freelance journalist. His 2006 Chess Life Online series, ”How Wojo Won,“ was praised for its accessibility to club players. Jonathan has relied on the Polish-American star’s repertoire with the white pieces for the better part of a decade.

Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781936277452
Gewicht 530 g
Hersteller Mongoose
Breite 15 cm
Höhe 22,9 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2013
Autor Dean IppolitoJonathan Hilton
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 978-1936277452
Seiten 402
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Mongoose Press
Adresse 831 Beacon St., Suite 199
Newton Highlands, MA 02459
Internet www.MongoosePress.com
E-Mail mongoosepress@gmail.com
006 Bibliography
007 Introduction

Part I: The Open Fianchetto Grünfeld
012 Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Fianchetto Grünfld: Woja´s Dynamic System with 11. Bg5
023 Chapter 2: The Fiancetto Grünfeld, Main Line with 10. Qc2!?
044 Chapter 3: The Open Grünfeld with 7...c5
066 Chapter 4: Black Strengthens White´s Center by Taking on c3
078 Chapter 5: 7...c6 and Black´s Other Tries

Part II: Black´s Solid Grünfeld with ...c7-c6
094 Chapter 6: Black Bolsters The Center with ...e7-e6
105 Chapter 7: Black Takes with 7...dxc4, Struggling for Active Piece Play
129 Chapter 8: Black Grovels with 7...Qb6
160 Chapter 9: Odds and Ends: Black Moves His a-Pawn

Part III: The English Opening
178 Chapter 10: The Marócy Bind
199 Chapter 11: The Half-Marócy Bind
235 Chapter 12: Black Plays for ...e7-e6 and ...d7-d6
262 Chapter 13: Queen´s Indians, Hedgehogs, and the Rubinstein Variation

Part IV: The Dutch Defense
294 Chapter 14: The Leningrad Dutch
311 Chapter 15: The Stonewall Dutch
327 Chapter 16: Other Dutch Defenses

Part V: Miscellaneous Defenses
340 Chapter 17: The Old Indian
352 Chapter 18: Other Odds and Ends with ...d7-d6 and ...e7-e5
368 Chapter 19: Other Tricky Systems

391 Index of Recommended Lines

401 Index of Players
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