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The Endgame

K15 - Elementary Go Series, Vol. 6

211 Seiten, kartoniert, Kiseido, 1990, Erstauflage 1976

Aus der Reihe »Elementary Go Series«

17,50 €
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The endgame tends to be the neglected side of the game of go. This is strange indeed, for it also tends to be where the outcome is decided, and frequently accounts for about half the stones played.
This volume, by a Japanese professional go player and a strong American amateur, seeks to rectify this situation by setting forth the basic tactics, strategies, and counting techniques needed in the endgame.
Everything from the smallest local tesuji to the global macroendgame is covered with numerous examples and problems, many of them drawn from the Japanese author's professional games. The reader is encouraged to think for himself and is guaranteed to get stronger.
The endgame tends to be the neglected side of the game of go. This is strange indeed, for it also tends to be where the outcome is decided, and frequently accounts for about half the stones played.
This volume, by a Japanese professional go player and a strong American amateur, seeks to rectify this situation by setting forth the basic tactics, strategies, and counting techniques needed in the endgame.
Everything from the smallest local tesuji to the global macroendgame is covered with numerous examples and problems, many of them drawn from the Japanese author's professional games. The reader is encouraged to think for himself and is guaranteed to get stronger.
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9784906574155
Gewicht 224 g
Hersteller Kiseido
Breite 94 mm
Höhe 13,5 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 1990
Autor Tomoko OgawaJames Davies
Reihe Elementary Go Series
Sprache Englisch
ISBN-10 4871870154
ISBN-13 9784906574155
Jahr der Erstauflage 1976
Seiten 211
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Kiseido Publishing Company
008 CHAPTER 1 Introducing the Endgame
049 CHAPTER 2 Counting
080 CHAPTER 3 Endgame Tesuji
124 CHAPTER 4 The Macroendgame
162 CHAPTER 5 Games
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