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Reinfeld on the Endgame

96 Seiten, kartoniert, Russell Enterprises, 1. Auflage 2017

14,95 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten

Sharpen Your Endgame Play!

Reinfeld on the Endgame is a very fine specialty book about several aspects of endgames. This charming piece concentrates on a very difficult, too-often glossed over aspect of the transition between the middlegame and the endgame. Transition phases are harder to cover than either of the three favorite phases because they don’t fit quite so neatly into the rigid classification that openings, middlegames, and endgames do. But mastering them is essential to those who wish to master or understand the game at a high level.

Each section is introduced with pithy explanations, and each example is shown and then summarized. It all begins with transitions into a favorable endgame, dividing the topic into material or positional advantages. This skill is often known as winning technique, and a good explanation of how it is done is invaluable. Here we get that explanation by one of the most prolific chess writers of the twentieth century.

Next we get into transitions into unfavorable endgames, which can come from compulsion (fatigue, time pressure, etc.); poor choice of which bad endgame to head for; incorrect appraisal of the character of the ending; and disregard of a specific exception to a general principle (the queenside majority is favorable; bishops of opposite colors draw; bishop vs. knight).

The final two sections cover missed opportunities (missing a win; missing a draw; and double oversights) and defending difficult positions (positional and material disadvantages are covered). Transition stages are among the least favorite subjects for chess authors to explore, probably because they are not so easy to buttonhole as opening, middlegame, or endgame positions. But Fred Reinfeld never walked away from a challenge.

All in all, a wonderful treasure trove of endgame - and general - chess knowledge!

Weitere Informationen
Gewicht 140 g
Hersteller Russell Enterprises
Breite 15,3 cm
Höhe 22,7 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2017
Autor Fred Reinfeld
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-13 978-1941270554
Seiten 96
Einband kartoniert
Hersteller Informationen
Name Russell Enterprises
Adresse 234 Depot Road
Milford, CT 06460
Internet www.Russell-Enterprises.com
E-Mail hwr@russell-enterprises.com

005 From the Editor

006 Preface

Part I

Transition to a Favorable Ending

008 I Introductory

008 II Definition of Terms

008 III Basis and Method

009 IV Examples

009 A Material Advantage

017 B Positional Advantage

Part II

Transition to an Unfavorable Ending

029 I Introductory

029 II Transition to an Unfavorable Ending by Compulsion

031 III Transition to an Unfavorable Ending Because of Fatigue, Time Pressure, etc.

035 IV Transition to an Unfavorable Ending Because of Incorrect Choice Between Qualitatively Bad Endgames

038 V Transition to an Unfavorable Ending Because of a Basically Incorrect Appraisal of the Whole General Character of an Ending

041 VI Transition to an Unfavorable Ending Because of a Disregard of a Specific Exception to a Generally Favorable Rule

041 A The Theory that a Queenside Majority of Pawns is Advantageous

044 B The Theory that Endings with Bishops of Opposite Color Are Drawn

046 C The Rule of Bishop vs. Knight

Part III

Missed Opportunities

048 I A Realistic Approach

048 II Economy and Method

049 III The Psychology of Error

050 IV Examples

050 A Missing a Win

059 B Missing a Draw

065 C Double Oversights

Part IV

Defending Difficult Positions

069 I Introductory

070 II Examples

070 A Positional Disadvantage

079 B Material Disadvantage

091 Editorial Notes


092 Types of Endings

093 Important Endgame Motifs

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