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Learn Chess in 40 hours /reduziert

Mängelexemplar; Transport-/Lagerschaden

159 Seiten, kartoniert, Olms, 1. Auflage 2004

Aus der Reihe »Progress in Chess«

9,90 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
To achieve success in chess, a little talent is required, but it is even more important to have a thorough grounding in the different aspects of the game.
This volume, which has sold well over a hundred thousand copies in its German edition, proceeds from the simple to the difficult, from checkmating with a couple of pieces to strategic planning. It has been used in numerous adult education classes, and is also highly suitable for private study.
Rudolf Teschner is an Honorary FIDE International Grandmaster and a popular chess author, who for 38 years was editor of the magazine "Deutsche Schachzeitung".

As a way of indulging the compulsion to play and at the same time practise creative thinking, the 'royal game' has long been popular - from the Middle Ages until the 18th century, especially with the nobility and the church. Only the Asian game of encirclement, Go, is comparable in its intellectual depth to chess, which also originates in the Far East.
Nearly 200 nations are currently registered as members of FIDE (Federation International des Echecs, International Chess Federation) - forty years ago, there were only 64. Every two years the Chess Olympiad takes place, most recently in 2002 in Bled (Slovenia) with 134 men's and 67 women's national teams, which consisted of a great number of international grandmasters and masters. For almost half a century the Russians dominated this event, but Hungary and the United Kingdom were dangerous rivals. The German Chess Federation is one of the strongest members of FIDE with about 100,000 players. In the private sphere, according to unofficial estimates in Germany alone, chess is the pastime of more than one million people. Chess is a national sport in the countries of the former Soviet Union, which have several million club players. If you consider the percentage of the total population, the small country of Iceland (246,000 inhabitants) is the winner. The Chess Club of Reykjavik has around 500 members. The first international chess tournament, won by the German Anderssen, took place in London 1851, where chess was and still is very popular.
This manual not only aims to familiarise the reader with the basic rules of the 'royal game', but also to reveal the richness of ideas that has made it so attractive. For the sake of clarity, I have summarised the chapters dealing with the opening of the game. However, I advise the reader to leave the 'Specialised Opening Theory' (lessons 11 to 21) until the end of the studies, and to put the main emphasis on 'Chess Tactics' (lessons 22 to 30). The student is well advised to set up each position on the board, and to play through the given moves several times, until he really understands their meaning. Under the heading 'Chess Strategy' (lessons 31 to 38) the reader gets to know the mastery of the game, which predominates in modern chess tournaments. He will be able to recreate and understand the moves of masters and experience the fascinating endeavours on the 64 squares - an occupation that is educational and promises intellectual enjoyment.
If you are ambitious and want to be successful in tournaments, you will have to practise extensively and invest a lot of time, apart from the competitive and personal qualities required. The basic prerequisites, however, are delivered by this book, which is suitable for self-study and has also been used successfully in many chess courses.

Rudolf Teschner
Weitere Informationen
Gewicht 410 g
Hersteller Olms
Breite 17 cm
Höhe 24 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
Autor Rudolf Teschner
Reihe Progress in Chess
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
Seiten 159
Einband kartoniert
Diagramme 254
Hersteller Informationen
Name Edition Olms
Adresse Rosengartenstraße 13B
Bubikon/Zürich 8608
Internet www.edition-olms.com
E-Mail info@edition-olms.com
008 Preface

Basic Principles
009 1st Hour The goal: to capture the king
010 Explanation of symbols
010 The troops and their movements
014 Stalemate
014 2nd Hour Castling
015 Drawn game
016 Perpetual check
016 The value of the pieces
017 3rd Hour Checkmate (I)
017 Checkmate without a king
019 Checkmate with assistance from the king
020 King and queen against king
021 King and rook against king
021 4th Hour Checkmate (II)
022 King and two bishops against king
022 King, bishop and knight against king
023 King and two knights against king
023 King and knight against king
024 Useless riches
025 5th Hour Pawn endings (I)
025 King and pawn against king
028 6th Hour Pawn endings (II)
028 Strategic terms

The Opening
031 7th Hour Opening strategy
031 Queen's Gambit
032 The 'ten commandments' of the chess opening
034 8th Hour Opening sins: loss of time
034 9th Hour Opening sins: endangering the king
035 Danger on the diagonal
036 10th Hour Opening sins: loss of material
038 11th Hour Specialised opening theory (I): open games
039 Italian Game
040 12th Hour Specialised opening theory (II): Two Knights Defence
042 13th Hour Specialised opening theory (III): Ruy Lopez
045 14th Hour Specialised opening theory (IV): Sicilian Defence
048 15th Hour Specialised opening theory (V): French Defence
051 16th Hour Specialised opening theory (VI): Caro-Kann Defence
053 17th Hour Specialised opening theory (VII): other semi-open games
054 Alekhine Defence
055 Pirc Defence
055 Scandinavian Defence
056 Nimzowitsch Defence
057 18th Hour Specialised opening theory (VIII): closed games Queen's Gambit
057 Orthodox Defence
058 Slav Defence
060 19th Hour Specialised opening theory (IX): Indian Defences
060 Nimzo-lndian
061 Queen's Indian
062 King's Indian
063 20th Hour Specialised opening theory (X)
063 Dutch Defence
064 Benoni Defence
065 21st Hour Specialised opening theory (XI): no central pawn
065 English Opening
067 Reti Opening
067 Flank Opening
068 Bird Opening
069 Table of openings

Chess Tactics
072 22nd Hour Combinations (I): pins
076 23rd Hour Combinations (II): double attacks
080 24th Hour Combinations (III): overloaded pieces
084 25th Hour Combinations (IV): imprisoned pieces
089 26th Hour Combinations (V)
089 Discovered attacks
091 Double check
093 27th Hour Mating combinations (I)
093 Smothered mate
096 Back rank mate
098 28th Hour Mating combinations (II)
098 The restricted king
100 Attack with material superiority
103 29th Hour Mating combinations (III): the sacrifice on h7 or h2
106 30th Hour Mating combinations (IV): Alekhine's mating attacks

Chess Strategy
111 31st Hour Plans and ideas (I)
111 The phalanx
111 Collaboration between pieces and pawns
116 32nd Hour Plans and ideas (II): systematic attack on the king
118 33rd Hour Plans and ideas (III): systematic attack on the queen's wing
122 34th Hour Plans and ideas (IV): the natural basic plan
124 35th Hour Plans and ideas (V): the bishop pair
127 36th Hour Plans and ideas (VI): rook on an open file
130 37th Hour Plans and ideas (VII): all about the pawn
130 Protected passed pawn
131 Glory and misery of the 'isolani'
134 38th Hour Plans and ideas (VIII)
134 The two weaknesses
135 Battle on two wings
137 Tournament play

The Finale
139 39th Hour Standard endgames (I)
139 Practical pawn endings zugzwang
140 The opposition
141 Triangulation
142 Distant opposition
143 40th Hour Standard endgames (II)
144 Queen against advanced pawn
145 Queen against rook
146 Queen against rook and pawn
147 Queen and pawn against queen
148 The exchange
150 Rook endings
156 The chess pieces
157 Index of Players and Analysts
Review of the german edition:
Mit der vorliegenden Ausgabe erreicht Rudolf Teschners "Schule des Schachs" bereits ihre dritte Auflage, weshalb wir uns mit einer kurzen Besprechung begnügen werden.

In 40 Lektionen lernt der Anfänger alles wesentliche über das Schachspiel kennen: Gangart der Figuren, Grundlegendes wie Rochade oder der Wert der Steine, elementare Mattbilder und Bauernendspiele (Stunde 1-6), allgemeine Eröffnungsstrategie und spezielle Eröffnungstheorie zu allen wichtigen Eröffnungen (7-21), Schachtaktik mit verschiedenen Kombinationsmotiven (22-30), wichtige Pläne und Ideen der Schachstrategie (31-38) sowie zwei abschließende Stunden über das Endspiel.

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