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The Ultimate Chess Puzzle Book

1001 original chess puzzles

240 Seiten, kartoniert, Gambit, Erstauflage 2000

24,50 €
Inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
It is generally agreed that one of the best ways for a chess-player to improve is by studying tactics - and the best way to do that is by practising. This book provides a wealth of puzzle positions to test just about every facet of the reader´s tactical skills. The puzzles in this book have been selected by analysing games new and old in search of original puzzle positions (rather than simply trawling through previous puzzle books, as is all too often the case). It is therefore very unlikely that even seasoned solvers will recognize many of these positions.
The book begins with 100 relatively easy positions suitable for novices, and ends with 100 extremely tough puzzles, which will provide a mind-bending challenge even for top-class players. The remainder of the book - 801 puzzles - contains just about everything between these two extremes, including selections of puzzles based around particular tactical themes, and graded tests, where no clues are given as to the type of ideas involved. Every now an then, there are positions where the correct solution is a positional move, rather than a tempting but unsound combination. Emms, by allying his skills with those of powerful computers, has also made every effort to ensure that the solutions are sound, and that there are no unmentioned alternative solutions.
It is generally agreed that one of the best ways for a chess-player to improve is by studying tactics - and the best way to do that is by practising. This book provides a wealth of puzzle positions to test just about every facet of the reader´s tactical skills. The puzzles in this book have been selected by analysing games new and old in search of original puzzle positions (rather than simply trawling through previous puzzle books, as is all too often the case). It is therefore very unlikely that even seasoned solvers will recognize many of these positions.
The book begins with 100 relatively easy positions suitable for novices, and ends with 100 extremely tough puzzles, which will provide a mind-bending challenge even for top-class players. The remainder of the book - 801 puzzles - contains just about everything between these two extremes, including selections of puzzles based around particular tactical themes, and graded tests, where no clues are given as to the type of ideas involved. Every now an then, there are positions where the correct solution is a positional move, rather than a tempting but unsound combination. Emms, by allying his skills with those of powerful computers, has also made every effort to ensure that the solutions are sound, and that there are no unmentioned alternative solutions.

Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781901983340
Gewicht 450 g
Hersteller Gambit
Breite 17,2 cm
Höhe 25 cm
Medium Buch
Autor John Emms
Sprache Englisch
ISBN-10 190198334X
ISBN-13 9781901983340
Jahr der Erstauflage 2000
Seiten 240
Einband kartoniert
Diagramme 1100
Hersteller Informationen
Name Gambit Publications Ltd.
Adresse 27 Queens Pine, Bracknell
Berkshire RG12 OTL
Internet www.gambitbooks.com
E-Mail info@gambitbooks.com
004 Symbols
005 Introduction

007 - 01 Major Tactical Ideas

011 - 02 Elementary Puzzles
027 - 02 Answers for Chapter 2

033 - 03 Checkmates
044 - 03 Answers for Chapter 3

048 - 04 Intermediate and Advanced Puzzles
087 - 04 Answers for Chapter 4

107 - 05 Tests 1-5
118 - 05 Answers for Chapter 5

126 - 06 Puzzles from Old Soviet Championships
139 - 06 Answers for Chapter 6

145 - 07 Find the Wrong Move!
151 - 07 Answers for Chapter 7

155 - 08 Tests 6-10
166 - 08 Answers for Chapter 8

173 - 09 Endgame Puzzles
185 - 09 Answers for Chapter 9

191 - 10 Tests 11-15
202 - 10 Answers for Chapter 10

209 - 11 The Ultimate Challenge
224 - 11 Answers for Chapter 11

240 Score-Chart

Ein Testbuch mit 1000 taktischen Aufgaben vom Mittel- und Endspiel. Das Buch ist gut für Anfänger geeignet, die mit diesen taktischen Aufgaben ihre kombinatorischen Fähigkeiten üben können. Dadurch lernt man auch viele neue Motive, die man später in eigenen nutzen kann. Viele Beispiele stammen aus der neuesten Praxis und sind durch den Autor gut ausgewählt und gegliedert. Mit diesem Buch können allerdings auch Schachtrainer sehr viel Nutzen ziehen.

Fernschach International 2/2001
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