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More Simple Chess

Moving on from the Basic Principles

144 Seiten, kartoniert, Everyman, 1. Auflage 2004

19,95 €
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Most experts agree that to reach a high standard at chess, one must not only be able to calculate properly but also master the many positional points of the game. However, while tactical ability is clear-cut and can be improved simply by the continual practice of puzzles, learning the finer points of positional play that come so naturally to Grandmasters can seem like a frightening task for the less experienced player. In this book, Grandmaster John Emms aims to solve this problem, giving the reader a thorough grooming on all the crucial aspects of chess strategy. Moving on from the basic principles, Emms draws upon both his own experiences and those of other international players to unravel the mystery surrounding positional chess. This book will be particularly helpful for those who have previously honed their chess skills with the highly popular Simple Chess.

* An advanced course in chess strategy
* Written by an experienced chess professional
* Ideal for club and tournament players

John Emms is one of Britain's strongest Grandmasters and has represented England in various team tournaments. He now has many works to his name, including Sicilian Kan and Attacking with 1 e4, while he is also a co-author of the very popular openings bible Nunn's Chess Openings.

When I began gathering material for my earlier book Simple Chess, I soon realised that the number of aspects of positional play that especially appealed to me was quite substantial. Unfortunately, given the space limitations, it was just impossible to include all the topics of strategy that I had originally wished to. I overcame this problem to some extent by being very selective over what made it in and what didn't, but I wasn't totally happy at having to eliminate so much material. So, when the opportunity arose to write a follow-up to Simple Chess, I was very keen to do so. Thus you are reading an introduction to (the imaginatively tided) More Simple Chess !
While reading this book, some familiarity with Simple Chess might come in handy but it's certainly not essential. Nevertheless, for those of you who (for some mysterious reason) haven't been able to secure a copy of that book, here are a few 'snippets' that might prove to be useful:
1) An outpost is a square where it is possible to establish a piece that cannot easily be attacked by opposing pawns. All pieces like outposts, but often the best piece for an outpost is a knight.
2) A bishop is termed as 'good' when its pawns, especially the ones on the central files, do not obstruct its path. Likewise, a bishop is termed as 'bad' when its pawns, especially the ones on the central files, obstruct its path. However, these terms are a little misleading, as they don't necessarily reflect the actual effectiveness of a bishop. A 'good bishop' is often very effective, but can on occasions be very ineffective. At the same time, a 'bad bishop' is often just plain bad, but it can be very effective too, both in attack and for defensive purposes.
3) The 'bishop pair' (or the two bishops) often outweigh the 'bishop and knight' team, especially in the endgame.
4) Pawn weaknesses often become more apparent as pieces are exchanged.
5) More often than not, the player with more space is advised to refrain from exchanges that would otherwise seem fair. Conversely, the player with less space is advised to seek exchanges in order to reduce the effect of cramped pieces.
Now a brief run through the chapters of More Simple Chess. I've begun with a look at 'problem pieces', including examples of both how to improve your own and exploit your opponent's. Subjects dealt with here include 'power plays' and 'inducement'.
In Chapter Two, the longest in this book, I've considered the extremely broad topic of exchanges which, with one or two notable exceptions, hasn't been treated especially thoroughly in previous works. I'm not quite sure why this has been the case; perhaps it's because what I would consider a very important strategical subject isn't generally regarded as overly exciting material for chess literature (as GM Peter Wells pointed out, editors are much fonder of the word 'sacrifice' than 'exchange').
The final four chapters deal with the different pieces in turn. In Chapter Three I revisit the age-old subject of the struggles between the bishop pair and the 'bishop and knight' pairing, expanding on the ideas covered in Simple Chess. Also in this chapter I take a look at those 'hard-to-see' knight retreats, a concept that I'm particularly fond of.
In Chapter Four I study the queen, the most powerful piece on the chessboard. Included in this chapter are aspects of queen play that I believe haven't received much coverage before, like 'After eating the poisoned pawn: fighting or running away?' and 'Replacing the bishop'.
In Chapter Five it's the turn of the most valuable piece: the king. Here I concentrate on examples of king power in the endgame and the perennial question of if, when and where to castle.
Chapter Six deals with rooks. One subject that particularly appeals to me is the activation of the rooks along their 'home' files (the a- and h-files) and I've paid special attention to this feature.
I've tried to reflect the changes that have occurred in modern chess. In general I've also strived to include examples where the players must make really tough decisions; I'm less interested in cases where it's obvious to the majority what should be done and what should be avoided. In this respect I believe this book is more advanced than Simple Chess. You'll find that some of the examples contain surprising and somewhat paradoxical moves, even though they may well be the correct choices.
How can one improve his or her positional understanding of chess? What worked for me was the study of ideas in countless grandmaster games, plus playing hundreds (thousands?) of competitive games myself. If that sounded quite time-consuming, then I can assure you that it was! My hope is that you'll find the examples and exercises in this book instructive, challenging and entertaining, and that they can guide you to some extent on what to look out for in games and study...

John Emms, Kent, April 2004
Weitere Informationen
EAN 9781857443431
Gewicht 250 g
Hersteller Everyman
Breite 15,2 cm
Höhe 23,4 cm
Medium Buch
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
Autor John Emms
Sprache Englisch
Auflage 1
ISBN-10 1857443438
ISBN-13 9781857443431
Seiten 144
Einband kartoniert
005 Bibliography
007 Introduction
009 1 Problem Pieces
009 Improving your worst placed piece
013 Power plays
017 Inducement
021 Exercises
022 2 Inside Trading
023 Early impressions of exchanges
025 An exchange as part of a combination
026 Removing a defender
030 Removing an attacker
032 Exchanging your worst placed piece
036 Matching, similar and unlike exchanges
037 Retaining a piece for attacking purposes
039 Retaining a piece for defensive purposes
041 Offering an exchange to open lines
042 Exchanging to inflict weaknesses
048 Offering a trade to gain structural advantages
050 Avoiding an exchange to leave an opposing piece vulnerable
053 The superfluous piece
057 Considering the strength of the remaining pieces
060 Exchanging to increase control over a colour complex
061 Exchanging to emphasise weaknesses
063 Exercises
064 3 Of Minor Importance
064 The unopposed bishop
069 Taming the bishop pair
076 A step backwards
083 Exercises
084 4 Dancing Queens
084 Queen power
084 After eating the poisoned pawn: fighting or running away?
093 Replacing the bishop
100 Finding a suitable home
104 Exercises
105 5 Concerning Kings
105 Castling by condition?
111 The storming king
115 King calamities
117 Exercises
118 6 Rampant Rooks
118 Outpost on an open file
122 Working from home
128 Rooks and restraint
131 Exercises
132 7 Solutions to Exercises
Das vorliegende Buch versteht sich als Nachfolgeband des 2001 erschienenen Vorgängers Simple Chess vom nämlichen Autor, seines Zeichens englischer Großmeister und überdies dem deutschen Bundesligapublikum beileibe kein Unbekannter. Einfaches Schach -was ist das? Sind wir als Vereinsspieler nicht alle längst über dieses Stadium hinaus?
Mitnichten. Zunächst einmal zur Definition bzw. zum Inhalt des Buches: der Autor konzentriert sich im Wesentlichen auf positionelles Schach, das er in 7 Großkapiteln abhandelt. Er beginnt - frei übersetzt - mit Problemen der Figurenstellung und kommt über Abtauschaktionen, Leichtfiguren-, Damen-, Königs- und Turmmanöver schließlich zur Auflösung der am Schluss eines jeden Kapitels angebotenen Tests. Spektakuläre Opferkombinationen sind insofern nicht das Thema, auch wenn unterwegs hin und wieder die eine oder andere taktische Variante auftreten mag. Es geht um mehr, nämlich schlicht darum, mittels scheinbar einfacher, in Wirklichkeit jedoch profunder Figurenmanöver Stellungen herbeizuführen, die nachvollziehbar Gewinnpotenzial aufweisen.
Man muss schon eine gehörige Portion Schachverständnis mitbringen, um diesen positionellen Feinheiten, die der Autor in Hülle und Fülle liefert, einen Geschmack abzugewinnen. Insofern macht der Kauf des Buches, das sowohl Fragmente als auch komplette Partien enthält, die bis ins Jahr 2003 reichen, ab einer DWZ von etwa 1900 zweifellos Sinn.
Dass es nicht unbedingt eines spektakulären Damenopfers oder dergleichen bedarf, um schachlichen Glanz zu entfalten, sei anhand der vorliegenden Stellung illustriert, in der Schwarz auf wirklich wunderschöne „einfache" Art in Vorteil kommt:

Oll - Hodgson, Groningen 1993
wK: a1, wD: c6, wT: c1, wL: d6, wB: a2,b2,e5,g3,h2
sK: g8, sD: d3, sT: d8, sS: d5, sB: a5,b5,e6,f7,g7

Zur Diagrammstellung schreibt Emms im Eingangskapitel „Probleme der FigurensteIlung" foIgendes: „Studieren wir die Position als Ganzes aus der Sicht des Schwarzen! Der Springer ist wunderbar auf d5 platziert und auch die Dame steht gut zentralisiert auf d3, wo sie viele Felder kontrolliert, und den weißen Turm auf der Grundlinie festhält. Die einzige schwarze Figur, die ihre Stärke zur Zeit nicht ausspielen kann, ist der Turm d8, welcher von der weißen Dame und dem weißen Läufer ausreichend beherrscht wird. Wäre Schwarz imstande, diese Figur zu aktivieren, dann würden seine positionellen Vorteile (stärkere Leichtfigur, bessere Bauernstruktur und weißfeldrige Dominanz) den Ausschlag geben." Hodgson fand den subtilen Plan Kh7!! nebst Kg6!! sowie Th8-h5-f5 und Weiß kapitulierte nach rund 10 weiteren Zügen. Quod erat demonstrandum!
Wer also sein Schachverständnis schulen und obendrein auf den 64 Feldern Ästhetik in Reinkultur erleben möchte, sollte sich das vorliegende Buch nicht entgehen lassen.

E. Carl - Rochade 7/2004
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